WhatsApp Business Number2024-01-04T13:56:37+00:00

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Use WhatsApp Business with your local UK Cleartone business telephone number

If you want to make use of WhatsApp Business to communicate with your clients and suppliers, then you can do so using your business telephone number with Cleartone Communications. Rather than setting up WhatsApp on your mobile phone and giving your customers your mobile number to connect to you on, you can use your business phone number instead so they will always have the right number to call.

Please note that this service will work with any local UK Cleartone business telephone numbers we provide. It doesn’t matter that the business phone number won’t be a mobile number like normal WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Business is a totally separate app, which can be used exclusively for your Cleartone Phone number. It wont make any difference if you have bought a non-geographical number from us, such as an 0333 number or an 0800 number. Given how useful WhatsApp can be for messaging clients with important information almost instantly, it is a good marketing tool, especially when it is associated with your business number.

Make free use of WhatsApp Business integration

You can use your Cleartone business number with the WhatsApp Business service with no additional fees or surcharges from Cleartone. Indeed, it doesn’t matter which call package you have opted for or the sort of business phone number you have chosen because this integrated service is offered free. As part of our service, businesses can easily integrate their existing WhatsApp Business as a service offering with their new business number.

If you want to see how it works, then why not try a Cleartone business telephone number for a 30-day trial period for FREE and find out how much WhatsApp Business could boost your firm.

  • Would you like further information about how Virtual Numbers can work for you, your lifestyle and your business?

    Request a call back from one of our sales team.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Our customers love this feature because it helps improve their work/life balance AND it offers the flexibility and control they need in their business.

What is WhatsApp Business?

WhatsApp Business works in much the same way as WhatsApp. That said, it is a separate app that you will have to download via Google Play or the App Store. Handily, it is free to download onto your phone. Where WhatsApp Business differs from WhatsApp is that it was designed with small business owners in mind. It can be used to connect with current and would-be clients alike, allowing you to bring certain promotions to their attention as well as a range of products, services and even new business opportunities.

You can automate responses and associate all communications via the app with your business telephone number. As such, you can keep your personal WhatsApp correspondence completely separate from your business communications even if you have both apps downloaded onto your device.

Setting up WhatsApp Business to work with your local UK business telephone number

  • With the app downloaded onto your device, open it and proceed to the initial user prompt.
  • Select ‘Use a different number’ if you already have WhatsApp on your device.
  • Input your Cleartone business phone number.
  • WhatsApp will send a text message and also call you with an automated voice message that will read out the activation code you will need to enter into the app to get it working.
  • Select ‘Call Me’ if you don’t have the verification code you need.
  • Note down the code, then disconnect the call and input the code.
  • WhatsApp will then give you some further options you can make use of to personalise your service.
  • Try an outgoing message from your WhatsApp Business service to make sure it is coming from your business number.
  • Continue to use WhatsApp Business with commercial contacts in the usual way. You can even block nuisance numbers, if you wish.

WhatsApp Business Benefits

Automate Responses

Automate your responses, allowing you to instantly respond to customer messages.


Build more trust with your customer through the WhatsApp Business profile.

Extra Communication Challenge

Utilise this huge channel to allow your customers to connect to you more easily.

WhatsApp Business Frequently Asked Questions

Can I block someone on WhatsApp Business?2023-11-23T08:38:23+00:00

Yes. You can block any nuisance number – find out more here.

Can I setup a WhatsApp Business profile for my Business?2023-10-17T11:53:02+00:00


Yes, using your new Cleartone number you can install a second (separate) WhatsApp Business app on your mobile phone (accessible via PC/Mac also). This is a 3rd party service, and is not available on tollfree 0800 numbers.

Here you will be able speak directly with your customers or deal with enquiries using your Cleartone number (NOT showing anyone your private mobile number).

As well as this, on WhatsApp Business you will be able to list your company information including your business address, email and website – whilst at all times communicating only using your Cleartone number, and keeping your private mobile for family, friends and trusted customers.

To find out more and how to sign up – find out more here.

How much does it cost to use my Cleartone number for WhatsApp for Business?2023-08-25T13:36:21+00:00

Cleartone don’t charge, and you don’t pay to download WhatsApp Business. Many small businesses use WhatsApp Business without ever paying. At the time of writing, only when you want to integrate with WhatsApp’s API do you pay per message sent. This is a 3rd party service, and is not available on tollfree 0800 numbers.

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