With ‘Cleartone Outbound’ you can view all the calls you’ve been making, and analyse your call spend with on your outbound dashboard
Simply login with the details given (email us if you can’t find them!). On the Dashboard tab, you get an overview of spending. For further analysis, you can see:
- Your call spend in the last 30 days
- The Top 10 Rated Calls Today
- Your calls per minute in the last 24 hours
The portal on https://outbound.cleartonecommunications.co.uk/login/ give you information on you balance and call spend today, but also further ways to analyse usage:
- Live Balance
- Call Spend Today
- Spend This Month
- Spend Last Month
- Average Daily Spend
- Days Remaining
- Calls Today
- Answered Today
- Average Call Duration (ACD) Today
- Average Call Duration (ACD) this Month
- % of calls that were answered (ASR) Today
- % of calls that were answered (ASR) this Month