
Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Cleartone services. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, please contact us via our contact us page

Can I block someone on WhatsApp Business?2023-11-23T08:38:23+00:00

Yes. You can block any nuisance number – find out more here.

Can I setup a WhatsApp Business profile for my Business?2023-10-17T11:53:02+00:00


Yes, using your new Cleartone number you can install a second (separate) WhatsApp Business app on your mobile phone (accessible via PC/Mac also). This is a 3rd party service, and is not available on tollfree 0800 numbers.

Here you will be able speak directly with your customers or deal with enquiries using your Cleartone number (NOT showing anyone your private mobile number).

As well as this, on WhatsApp Business you will be able to list your company information including your business address, email and website – whilst at all times communicating only using your Cleartone number, and keeping your private mobile for family, friends and trusted customers.

To find out more and how to sign up – find out more here.

How much does it cost to use my Cleartone number for WhatsApp for Business?2023-08-25T13:36:21+00:00

Cleartone don’t charge, and you don’t pay to download WhatsApp Business. Many small businesses use WhatsApp Business without ever paying. At the time of writing, only when you want to integrate with WhatsApp’s API do you pay per message sent. This is a 3rd party service, and is not available on tollfree 0800 numbers.

How can I customise my Hunt Group?2022-03-23T11:29:20+00:00

Access the feature via your online dashboard. Here, you can add, remove or change the four numbers within the Hunt Group.

Do I have to pay for a Hunt Group feature with my business telephone number?2022-03-23T11:28:54+00:00

No, this feature is included as standard with any Cleartone business telephone number service.

Can Non-Geographical numbers be called from abroad?2022-01-05T10:03:21+00:00

Most countries will route the call to your number, but it is not guaranteed.

Therefore, OFCOM have introduced 03 numbers.

Calls to 03 numbers cost the same as calls to standard geographic numbers, such as, 01 or 02, even from a mobile phone.

Therefore, using a 0333 number would give your customers confidence in calling as they are cheap to call.

If you are looking to advertise a phone number abroad or expect to receive calls from international callers, please call us on 0800 0016 222 and we will be able to advise you of your best option.

Please note, 03 numbers have become very popular due to the majority of financial, utilities and online companies using them.

How do I sign up for Cleartone Outbound Service?2022-01-05T09:51:07+00:00

If you are a Cleartone customer, to find out more and register by visiting https://cleartonecommunications.co.uk/outbound/

Once I make the changes, how long until it takes effect2022-01-04T17:03:21+00:00

All changes via the Cleartone Online Dashboard are in real-time and therefore any changes come into effect instantly.

What different types of phone numbers can I have?2022-01-04T17:02:38+00:00

Cleartone Communication supply both UK Local and National virtual numbers. We can also provide international numbers upon request.

Local numbers are based on your geographical location. For example, 0207 London numbers, 0161 Manchester number and 0121 Birmingham numbers. Local numbers start with either 01 or 01.

National numbers are not based on your geographical locational and tend to be used by business who want to promote a national image. National number range include 0800 numbers, 0333 numbers and 0845 number and either start with 03 or 08.

If you are not sure whether to go for a local or national number, please call our office on 08000016222 and speak to one of our virtual national specialist.

Is there a contract?2022-01-04T16:59:49+00:00

Is There a Contract

The minimum contract length on all our virtual number is only 30 days. To cancel please email accounts@cleartoneholdings.co.uk. Alternatively, you can call the office on 08000016222.

Can I bespoke the Call Whisper message?2021-04-07T17:41:48+00:00

Yes. We can customise the message as required. Therefore, if you have multiple number forwarding to the same landline or mobile, we can customise the whisper to let you know which number has been called. For example, “You have a business call for your plumbing business” or “You have a business call for your construction company”.

What are the potential security and safety concerns with the “Block Anonymous Callers” Service?2021-04-07T14:16:00+00:00

Many public services such as the police force, the DSS, hospitals, fire brigades and public utilities will not be able to contact customers who use the “Block Anonymous Callers” Service. This is due to the configuration of their private switchboards. They are trying to find a solution.

Will companies forward a ‘number unavailable’ message instead of ‘number withheld’ to get around Anonymous Call Reject?2021-04-07T14:15:36+00:00

No. The rules within the CLI (Calling Line Identification) Code of Practice don’t let them do it. Any telephone company not abiding by this rule would be in breach of their telecommunications licence, and liable to action from Ofcom (Office of Communications).

What will happen if I withhold my number when calling someone with Anonymous Call Reject?2021-04-07T14:15:08+00:00

A message will notify the blocked caller that the person they are calling is not accepting anonymous calls. We´ll ask them to redial without withholding their  number.

How much does it cost?2021-04-07T14:14:19+00:00

No charge. In 2021, BT were charging £6.58 a month for this service.

What reports can I get for ‘Cleartone Outbound’2021-04-06T11:33:46+00:00

With ‘Cleartone Outbound’ you can view all the calls you’ve been making, and analyse your call spend with on your outbound dashboard

Simply login with the details given (email us if you can’t find them!). On the Dashboard tab, you get an overview of spending. For further analysis, you can see:

  • Your call spend in the last 30 days
  • The Top 10 Rated Calls Today
  • Your calls per minute in the last 24 hours

The portal on https://outbound.cleartonecommunications.co.uk/login/ give you information on you balance and call spend today, but also further ways to analyse usage:

  • Live Balance
  • Call Spend Today
  • Spend This Month
  • Spend Last Month
  • Average Daily Spend
  • Days Remaining
  • Calls Today
  • Answered Today
  • Average Call Duration (ACD) Today
  • Average Call Duration (ACD) this Month
  • % of calls that were answered (ASR) Today
  • % of calls that were answered (ASR) this Month
Do I need to have network service to make calls?2021-04-06T11:31:20+00:00

Cleartone Outbound allows you to make calls FROM your Cleartone Business number. To use Cleartone Outbound you do not need a network, as all calls are made through Wi-Fi or mobile data.

Can I record the voiceover for my Welcome Greeting or Virtual Switchboard?2021-04-06T11:28:42+00:00

Yes. Simply upload the voiceover file through your Cleartone Online Dashboard. Alternatively, you can email it to your account manager who can upload it for you.

Can I have multiple virtual numbers?2021-04-06T11:11:08+00:00

Yes! You can have unlimited business numbers.

Each business number comes with its own individual services, setup, login and number management.

What’s more, if you choose multiple numbers with Cleartone, you can still forward them all to the same landline or mobile – as we set things up so you can identify which number or business has been called!

Would I require a physical fax machine?2021-04-06T11:03:04+00:00

No. You will receive all your faxes as a PDF file via email.

What are the benefits of using a Professional Voiceover Artist?2021-04-06T11:00:11+00:00

Q: What is a Voiceover?

A: A voiceover is the first thing a caller hears when their call is answered. It’s the first impression that is so important!

Q: Can I do the recording myself

A: Sure, send it as a Vox or MP4 file and we can upload it for you

Q: Why should I use a voiceover artist?

A: Choosing to welcome customers with a greeting recorded by a Professional voiceover artist adds credibility to your business and shows you are a professional company

Can I use my existing fax number?2021-04-06T10:47:19+00:00

Yes. Cleartone understands for some of our customers, fax services still form a critical part of their business.

You can simply port your existing number fax number to Cleartone. To find out more, please contact us or call us on 0800-0016-222.

How can I manage my routing plan (i.e what phone number my Business calls will ring on)?2021-04-06T10:43:48+00:00

You can manage your virtual business number routing via the Cleartone Online Dashboard 24/7. By logging in here, select “Number Routing”. Here you can forward your Virtual Business landline calls to up to 4 landline or mobile phone numbers at the same time – or when the primary number is busy, business calls will ring on any other numbers you input. If you would like to forward calls to more than 4 different numbers, please contact us or your Account Manager.

How can I manage my Hunt Group routing plan?2021-04-06T10:41:33+00:00

By logging into your Cleartone Online Dashboard here . Once logged in, select the “Number Routing” option. Then select the “Outbound Call Type” as a “Hunt”, then input the other phone numbers you would like calls to ring on, then click “submit”. Any changes made will be applied instantly.

Can I forward my virtual number to multiple numbers?2021-04-06T10:39:19+00:00

Yes. By logging in on your Cleartone Online Dashboard here and selecting “Number Routing”. Here you can forward your Virtual Business landline calls to up to 4 landline or mobile phone numbers at the same time – or when the primary number is busy, business calls will ring on any other numbers you input. If you would like to forward calls to more than 4 different numbers, please contact us or your Account Manager.

How many numbers can I forward my Virtual Business landline number to?2021-04-06T10:37:40+00:00

By logging in on your Cleartone Online Dashboard here and selecting “Number Routing”. Here you can forward your Virtual Business landline calls to up to 4 landline or mobile phone numbers at the same time – or when the primary number is busy, business calls will ring on any other numbers you input. If you would like to forward calls to more than 4 different numbers, please contact us or your Account Manager.

Can I receive my Missed Call Alerts on multiple email addresses?2021-04-05T12:30:25+00:00

Yes. You can receive your missed call on multiple email addresses.

Simply log into your Cleartone Dashboard to set your working hours. Once logged in, select “Alert Settings”.

Then add new email addresses as required

How do I receive my Missed Call Alerts?2021-04-05T12:29:34+00:00

You will receive an email – with the callers details – each time you miss a call.

Alternatively, you can view all your missed calls through the Cleartone Online Dashboard. Here you will be able to also listen to any voicemails that callers may have left for you.

How do I manage my Timed Diverts?2021-04-05T12:24:24+00:00

You can manage your Timed Diverts in real-time through the Cleartone Dashboard. Once logged in, select “Timed Diverts”.

Then select your working hours each day (with this you can simply choose the hours you want to answers calls, and outside these hours you will not receive calls).

Once selected, if you leave the “OfoH Destination” blank and have “Voicemail” selected as ‘Yes’, any calls you receive outside of your “Working Hours” will go direct to voicemail.

Can I forward callers to different landline or mobile number, based on the day and time?2021-04-05T12:21:39+00:00

Yes. Simply log into your Cleartone Dashboard to set where calls to your business number are to be answered and when

Can I send callers straight to voicemail outside working hours?2021-04-05T12:18:08+00:00

Yes. Simply log into your Cleartone Dashboard to set your working hours. Once logged in, select “Timed Diverts”.

Then select your working hours each day (with this you can simply choose the hours you want to answers calls, and outside these hours you will not receive calls).

Once selected, if you leave the “OfoH Destination” blank and have “Voicemail” selected as ‘Yes’, any calls you receive outside of your “Working Hours” will go direct to voicemail.

Can I change the divert number if my number is down?2021-04-04T17:29:10+00:00

Yes. You can change the phone number that your business calls ring on at anytime from the Cleartone Online Dashboard. Any changes you make will be applied instantly.

What is a Hunt Group?2021-04-04T17:22:23+00:00

A “hunt group” is a feature which means your business calls will ring on more than one number at the same time – or when the first destination number is busy, calls will forward to another number. Users can input a “group” of phone numbers to which they would like their business calls to ring

What is a Voiceover?2021-02-10T14:22:11+00:00

A voiceover is the first thing a caller hears when their call is answered. It’s the first impression that is so important!

What devices support Cleartone Outbound?2021-02-10T14:11:08+00:00

You can download the Cleartone Outbound app to call out displaying your through both the Apple Store and Android Play. Additionally, you can call from your computer. To find out more, please visit https://outbound.cleartonecommunications.co.uk/login/

Can I disable the Welcome Greeting?2021-02-02T12:54:39+00:00

Yes. You can disable the Welcome Greeting at anytime through your Cleartone Online Dashboard. If you require any assistance, please call us and a member of staff can assist you.

Can I add music to my Welcome Greeting?2021-02-02T12:50:52+00:00

Yes. You can add music to your Welcome Greeting at anytime – so simply call call our office to find out more.

Can I have a Virtual Switchboard with options instead of Welcome Greeting?2021-02-02T12:40:36+00:00

Yes. You can have a virtual switchboard on any our numbers. Simply selected the virtual switchboard when ordering you number and we will contact you to configure it.

Will the Virtual Switchboard record my calls?2021-02-01T21:33:28+00:00

The Virtual Switchboard can record all your incoming calls for quality and training purposes. Please note, call recording is an additional feature that can be added onto you account at anytime for only ÂŁ10 + VAT per/month. Please visit our call recording page to find out more!

How many departments/options can I have?2021-02-01T21:31:23+00:00

Your Virtual Switchboard can have up to 9 options (1-9). However, you would be able to also set up unlimited individual extension such as, 1000 for Tom, 2000 for Stacey and so on.

How do I manage the Virtual Switchboard?2021-02-01T21:30:24+00:00

Yes. You can manage your Virtual Switchboard 24/7 via the Cleartone Online Dashboard.

Can I record the Virtual Switchboard message?2021-02-01T21:07:29+00:00

Yes. You can your Virtual Switchboard as a mp3 file and simply upload it via the Cleartone Online Dashboard. Alternatively, we can record the virtual switchboard for you for a very small cost.

What is the cost for a Virtual Switchboard?2021-02-01T21:06:39+00:00

A Virtual Switchboard is a call management facility that would allow you to route calls to the relevant person or department. When a customer or client call you virtual number, they would be given several options to select from.

For example, Thank you for calling Cleartone Communication, please press 1 for sales.

Can the Call Whisper be disabled?2021-02-01T20:45:11+00:00

Yes. If you do not require the call whisper it can be disabled at any time through your Cleartone Online Dashboard.

What will the caller hear when I answer the phone?2021-02-01T20:42:19+00:00

The caller will hear your Welcome Greeting, followed by a ringing tone.

How do I play-back to my Call Recordings?2021-02-01T20:16:35+00:00

Each call recording is emailed to your instantly after each call. Additionally, you can access them through your Cleartone Online Dashboard. Please note, with Cleartone Call Recording facility you can select to record all calls or just the occasional call.

Why would I need Call Recording?2021-02-01T20:11:59+00:00

Call Recording is an essential for every business and our most popular feature as its allows you to capture information that you might have missed if you answer a call on the go. Additionally, you can use the call recording facility for quality or training purposes or disputes management.

What is Call Recording?2021-02-01T20:09:55+00:00

Call recording is an essential feature for any company as its allows you to play back any call you receive on your Cleartone business number whether its for quality or training purposes or simply because you didn’t have a pen and paper to make notes.

Do you offer a professional voiceover service?2021-02-01T15:21:52+00:00

Yes. Cleartone Communication have a professional inhouse voiceover artist and studio for all your voiceover needs and to ensure a professional first impression. To find out more, please call our office on 0207-101-4040.

Can I change the Welcome Greeting?2021-02-01T15:21:29+00:00

A: Yes. You can change the welcome greeting whenever you require though the online dashboard 24/7.

Do you provide easy to remember or memorable virtual numbers?2021-01-19T12:55:58+00:00

Yes. Cleartone Communication have a large number base so whether you require an easy to remember 0800 or 0207 virtual number we can help.

What is a virtual number?2021-01-19T12:52:13+00:00

A virtual number is a telephone number without a directly associated telephone line. The number would simply forward to your existing landline or mobile.

Additionally, all our virtual numbers come with an advanced call management facility to help you manage all your incoming calls.


Can I callout using my Cleartone virtual number?2021-01-18T11:18:05+00:00

Yes! You can callout displaying your Cleartone virtual number through our Apple and Android app or via your computer.

To find out more, please call us on 08000016222.

How do I change where my virtual number is forwarding to?2021-01-18T11:17:15+00:00

You can manage your diverts by simply logging into your Cleartone Online Dashboard. 

The Cleartone Online Dashboard allows your to manage your inbound calls in one place. Our inbound call management solutions ensures that you don’t miss a business call or opportunity from wherever you are.

You can manage your diverts, time of day routing, listen to your voicemail and call recording, view your call history history including statistics and much more.

How can I add additional call solutions to my number?2021-01-18T11:05:11+00:00

You can add additional numbers via your online control panel alternatively please call us on 08000016222 to find out more!

How do I know if I have a missed call or voicemail?2021-01-18T10:34:25+00:00

During setup you will be asked to register an email address to receive missed calls, voicemails and call recordings.

You will then instantly receive an email every time you have received a missed call or voicemail 24/7!

How do I know which number is best for my business?2021-01-18T10:32:07+00:00

That’s a very common question when it comes to selecting the type of number for your business.

Cleartone Communications can you with any UK Local or National virtual number.

The type of number would depend on several factors; whether you offer a local or national service, type of business and location.

If you would like assistance on selecting the best virtual number for your business, please call our office on 08000016222.


What is in the 30 day free trial?2021-01-18T10:01:09+00:00

By signing up to our 30-day free trial, you are given the chance to experience the full benefits of a member, risk-free for 30 whole days!

You will be able to receive incoming calls, manage and customise your virtual number via the online dashboard plus you will have the chance to experience how Cleartone can enrich your business. And if you don’t like it (we highly doubt it) you can cancel before the trial is over and not get charged a penny.

Please note, your trial will be converted to a full subscription should you not cancel before the end of the trial.

What is a business call whisper?2021-01-18T09:56:26+00:00

An alert that lets you know each time you have a business call coming through in order that can differentiate between your business and personal calls.

For example, when receiving a call on your mobile from your virtual number, the first thing you would hear when picking up the call is “You have a business call from your business number – press 1 on your telephone keypad to accept the call”.

This allows you to answer the phone in a professional manner using the company name.

Please note, that you have multiple virtual numbers linked to the same landline/mobile we can bespoke the business call whisper.

Can I use my current phone number as my Cleartone number?2021-01-18T09:44:11+00:00

Yes! Yes! In most cases, we are able to move existing numbers to Cleartone network (known as porting). To find out how this can be done or to find out more about our services, please call us on 08000016222.

Please note, that if you wish to convert your virtual number to a fixed line in the future that also wouldn’t be an issue.

How do I manage my Cleartone virtual number?2021-01-18T09:40:56+00:00

You can manage your Cleartone virtual number 24/7 in real time by clicking here.

Please note, your login/username would be your Cleartone virtual number which we provided you via email.

If you are having problems logging please email support@cleartoneholdings.co.uk or call the office on 08000016222.

How can I check my missed calls, voicemail and call recording?2021-01-18T09:36:24+00:00

You can access all your missed calls, voicemails and call recording via Cleartone Online Dashboard in real time 24/7.

Can I divert my virtual number to more than one number?2021-01-16T19:54:19+00:00

Yes. You can divert your virtual number to up to  4 numbers at once. Either simultaneously or one after the other if no answer or busy.

Please note, you can manage your diverts and much more in real time from your Cleartone Online Dashboard.

Are your prices exclusive of VAT?2021-01-15T14:16:46+00:00

Yes, unless stated otherwise, all prices are exclusive of VAT.

Can I divert my virtual number based upon time period?2021-01-15T13:51:13+00:00

Yes! You can divert your virtual telephone number based on the time and date. For example, you can virtual number to ring on your office landline during office hours and to your mobile outside working hours. Additionally, you can program it to ring on different numbers each day. Please note, all changes are made in real time.

What is the difference between a virtual 0207 number & a 0203 number?2021-01-14T12:14:23+00:00

The short answer is that there is no difference. 0207 number, a 0203 number or a 0208 number, just 020 numbers.

020 is the area code for London. The next part of the number then commences with a 3, 7 or 8, but that is not a component of the area code, it is just how they are referred to. But all three are precisely the same thing – London phone numbers. Ergo, it doesn’t matter whether you buy a virtual 0207, 0203 or 0208 number from us, it is still a 020 number and still a London phone number.

What are non-geographic numbers?2021-01-14T12:11:38+00:00

Non-geographic numbers (NGN) are numbers that give no indication of your geographic location. Our NGN virtual number ranges consist of the following prefixes – 0800 numbers, 0845 numbers, 0844 numbers, 0844 numbers, 0870 numbers, 0871 numbers, 0333 numbers and 070 numbers. To find our more, please call us on 0800 0016 222.

Please note, that we also provide local prefixes for any Town or City in the UK. For example, London 0207 Numbers, Birmingham 0121 Number, Manchester 0161 Number and so on.

Can I route my incoming calls to a mobile?2021-01-14T12:11:07+00:00

Yes! You can route your Cleartone virtual number to any existing landline or mobile worldwide via the online web portal.

If you are not sure of the associated costs – please call us on 0800 0016 222 to find out.

Can I keep landline or mobile number that the number is pointed to?2021-01-14T12:10:52+00:00

Yes! The number we provide you will just sit on top of your existing service. People will still be able to call your both your landline or mobile number.

Please note that with our virtual receptionist service, you would not require any extra hardware or software and that our service will not interfere with any of your existing services.

How long will my number take to go live?2021-01-14T12:10:35+00:00

We aim to activate both our geographic (0207 number) and non-geographic (Freephone 0800 numbers) virtual numbers within 12 hours.

Please note, would receive both a telephone call and an email confirmation as soon as your number has been activated.

What are virtual numbers?2021-01-14T12:10:02+00:00

Virtual numbers, (also known as DDI or access numbers), are telephone numbers without a physical telephone line or hardware. These numbers can be forwarded to any landline or

mobile worldwide giving the user the flexibility of answering the call from wherever he or she is. There are also additional incoming call features and bolt ons that sit on top of your virtual number which are used to manage your incomings calls. For example, welcome greeting, call whisper, dedicated voicemail greeting, voicemail to email, missed calls to email, call recording and much more!

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