Email Notifications2022-04-20T09:23:02+00:00

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Benefit from Email Notifications when you purchase a business telephone number

Voicemail email notifications are on offer with any of the call packages at Cleartone Communications. This means that you can obtain email notifications for any voicemails that have been left for you on your business telephone service whether or not you have chosen a geographical business number, such as an 0207 number, or a non-geographical one, like an 0800 number or an 0333 number, for instance.

What’s even better is that this service comes as standard with no additional fees or surcharges to make use of it. Not sure how the email notification service might benefit your business? Read on or trial one of our business telephone numbers FREE for 30 days and find out for yourself.

What is a business Email Notification service?

With all of the business telephone numbers on offer from Cleartone, you will be able to make use of our professional voicemail service. This means anyone who calls your business number but who is not answered within a set number of rings will be able to leave you a voicemail, perhaps to request a callback. This is ideal if you don’t want calls to go unanswered or to be transferred to your mobile operator’s voicemail service which wouldn’t be as professional as our version.

What the email notification service does is alert you to the presence of a newly left voicemail. This way, you won’t ever needlessly miss out on valuable information that has been left for you. Many of our customers reckon that this is among the most valuable features of our business telephone number service because it saves them from missing important messages.

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How are Email Notifications received when someone leaves a voicemail?

When we set up your business telephone number for you we will also arrange for your voicemail service to be configured. At this point, we will confirm the details of where you would like your email notifications sent. You can choose your personal email address or a business one, as preferred. Then, whenever a new voicemail is left on your business telephone number, you’ll receive an email directly to your inbox informing you it is there waiting to be listened to, and with the voicemail recording attached to the message.

Can Email Notifications be altered?

Yes, they can. Simply log in to your online dashboard to make any alterations to the email notification service you like. Your dashboard allows you to alter the way calls to your phone service are transferred and the same goes for emails. Enter or add the email address where you’d like notifications sent and the system will automatically update with your instructions.

What are the benefits of a voicemail Email Notification service?

Being notified by email of when a new voicemail has been left for you helps to stay organised. It is all too easy to avoid picking up voicemails or to think you have listened to them all as new ones arrive. With an email notification for each one, you can check them off as you go. At Cleartone, you can even add more than one email address so that your entire team is notified when a voicemail needs to be listened to and acted upon.

Email Notification Benefits


Know if you have missed a call or received a voicemail and action immediately.


Access all the these notifications online, without needing to be near your phone.


You can download call recordings for future reference for business purposes.

Email Notifications Frequently Asked Questions

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