Cleartone Outbound2022-04-20T09:59:45+00:00

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Make use of your business telephone number when calling out

At Cleartone Communications, our business telephone numbers have many distinct advantages for generating more inbound calls. However, you will also sometimes want to make use of it when calling customers, clients and suppliers, as well. Thanks to Cleartone Outbound, you can do so. Therefore, anyone who sees your number pop up on their screen will see your business telephone number and not the number of the line you are calling from. 

Since all inbound calls to your business telephone number can be redirected to different telephone numbers across the UK, using Cleartone Outbound will help you to unify your company’s presentation when calling out. Anyone who receives a call from you will be able to save your business telephone number in their phone and, consequently, will only then use that one to call your firm on.

How does Cleartone Outbound work?

Our outbound calling service allows you to make calls from your Cleartone business telephone number. All you need is an app on your phone, a computer or a mobile web service. This will make the number you are calling from private and the person or firm you connect to will not be able to see it on their system, whether they have a mobile phone or a business telephone service. What they will see is your business telephone number instead. 

Therefore, if they have already got your published business number stored in their phone already, then they will immediately know that it is your company calling them and they’ll be able to respond appropriately. We provide this functionality to make outbound calls with your business number through our virtual phone network. With your Cleartone Business telephone number acting as the outbound number, no one will ever be in any doubt as to who is calling them regardless of from where the call is being made.

  • Would you like further information about how Virtual Numbers can work for you, your lifestyle and your business?

    Request a call back from one of our sales team.

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Our customers love this feature because it helps improve their work/life balance AND it offers the flexibility and control they need in their business.

Why use Cleartone Outbound?

The number of the phone used to actually make an outgoing call will remain anonymous when you make use of Cleartone Outbound. This saves confusion so that people you call know who it is that’s calling them. Some people will simply not answer a call from a number they don’t recognise, after all. If you use more than one number to receive calls to business telephone service, then only ever appearing to call out from one number is a much more professional way of presenting your company, too. 

People who use their home telephone number or mobile phone to receive incoming calls to their business phone number will also often want to call back on using Cleartone Outbound, too. This way, their personal number will remain private and it will never be stored for a client to call. Please note that each staff member of your firm can access this service if you want them to. As such, all your company’s outgoing calls will display the right telephone number regardless of which phone is generating the call.

Can you customise Cleartone Outbound?

If you have more than one business phone number from Cleartone, then you can use our virtual phone network to display different numbers at different times or from different phone numbers. Adapting the service to meet your specific needs is possible through your Cleartone secure online dashboard.


Remote Calling

Make calls from anywhere without having to withhold your mobile number.

Outbound Call Recording

Playback and /or download any of your inbound and outbound call recordings.


 Keep your personal numbers private for family, friends and trusted customers.

Cleartone Outbound. Frequently Asked Questions.

How do I sign up for Cleartone Outbound Service?2022-01-05T09:51:07+00:00

If you are a Cleartone customer, to find out more and register by visiting

What devices support Cleartone Outbound?2021-02-10T14:11:08+00:00

You can download the Cleartone Outbound app to call out displaying your through both the Apple Store and Android Play. Additionally, you can call from your computer. To find out more, please visit

What reports can I get for ‘Cleartone Outbound’2021-04-06T11:33:46+00:00

With ‘Cleartone Outbound’ you can view all the calls you’ve been making, and analyse your call spend with on your outbound dashboard

Simply login with the details given (email us if you can’t find them!). On the Dashboard tab, you get an overview of spending. For further analysis, you can see:

  • Your call spend in the last 30 days
  • The Top 10 Rated Calls Today
  • Your calls per minute in the last 24 hours

The portal on give you information on you balance and call spend today, but also further ways to analyse usage:

  • Live Balance
  • Call Spend Today
  • Spend This Month
  • Spend Last Month
  • Average Daily Spend
  • Days Remaining
  • Calls Today
  • Answered Today
  • Average Call Duration (ACD) Today
  • Average Call Duration (ACD) this Month
  • % of calls that were answered (ASR) Today
  • % of calls that were answered (ASR) this Month
Do I need to have network service to make calls?2021-04-06T11:31:20+00:00

Cleartone Outbound allows you to make calls FROM your Cleartone Business number. To use Cleartone Outbound you do not need a network, as all calls are made through Wi-Fi or mobile data.

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