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When you purchase a business telephone number from Cleartone Communications, you will be able to make use of a business voicemail service at no additional cost to your chosen call plan. So, whether you have an 0800 number, an 01 or an 02 number or a non-geographical number, such as an 0845 telephone number, you will be able to benefit from this handy business tool.

What is a Business Voicemail?

Firstly, business voicemail is straightforward to use and works in much the same way that any conventional voicemail service does. From a caller’s perspective, this is certainly the case. If you are already on a call or not able to respond within a predetermined number of rings, then the redirected call to your business telephone number will be answered automatically.

They will then be able to leave you a message to tell you what they wanted to say or to request a callback. This feature is included with all our virtual numbers. Amazingly this voicemail will be sent to the email addresses of your choice, waiting for you to listen to when you are ready.

What is different about a Business Voicemail compared to a personal voicemail service?

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If you send your callers to your business voicemail, then your customers, professional clientele and suppliers will not be connected to your personal voicemail. This is especially important for people who have a business telephone number from us that redirects callers to their mobile phone, for example. Under such circumstances, you may already have voicemail set up with your mobile. If your friends and family call your mobile number, then they will still be able to access your personal voicemail in the usual way. However, when business contacts call your business line, the business voicemail service we provide will kick in before they are answered by your personal voicemail.

The two advantages of this feature are that business and personal voicemail messages are kept separate from one another and that your business voicemail greeting can be kept professional while your personal one can remain informal. In short, it helps with your business presentation and customer service in one go.

How do I listen to my Business Voicemails?

Any voicemail message left on your virtual number business voicemail is emailed to you as soon as it has been left. This means you can pick it up and listen to it whenever it suits you. Indeed, business voicemail messages can be forwarded to multiple email addresses if you want. They are also stored on your Cleartone Online Dashboard and can be accessed by anyone you give the secure login details to.

Why do I need a Business Voicemail on my virtual number?

The main reason for having a business voicemail is so that business callers do not hear your personal voicemail on your private mobile. Even if your inbound business telephone calls are sent to a landline number, callers will hear your business voicemail. This business voicemail service makes sense for times when the line cannot be answered or when your office is closed. Given the ease with which voicemail notifications can be picked up and dealt with, you will never lose important messages again. Please note that you can also choose to use Cleartone’s Voiceover Service, where we record for you a professional message the caller will hear when their call goes to voicemail.

Business Voicemail Benefits

Sound Professional

Recording business calls from clients can be managed from a single interface, regardless of the branch or site office that the call is answered

Email Notification

Recording business calls from clients can be managed from a single interface, regardless of the branch or site office that the call is answered

Bespoke Greeting

Recording business calls from clients can be managed from a single interface, regardless of the branch or site office that the call is answered

Business Voicemail. Frequently Asked Questions.

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