Everything You Need To Know About Virtual Landlines
Are you finding yourself being stretched thin in the workplace? Are you struggling to answer all of your calls whilst juggling the day-to-day running of your company? You may need a Virtual Landline.
The need for businesses to excel in an increasingly digital world has increased the need to explore how virtual landlines can transform your business.

Welcome Prompt
Choose to play a customised welcome announcement to your callers. Thank you for calling (company name)
Business Call Whisper
An alert to let you know each time a business call comes through
Dedicated Voicemail
A personalised voicemail message for your business number in order that your callers don’t hear your private mobile or landline voicemail which is usually unprofessional
Missed Call & Voicemail to Email
Receive an email notification each time you miss a call or when a caller leaves you a voicemail message.
Call Recording
Call recording is mainly used for quality and training purposes and to improve your customer service quality
Hunt Group
Divert your business number to multiple numbers simultaneously or when there is no answer
Time of Day Routing
Control where your calls are being routed to during and outside office hours ensuring you don’t miss a call
Online Control Panel
Manage your number and make all your crucial changes 24/7 in real time.
To purchase a virtual telephone number please call us on 0800-0016-222. Alternatively, you can purchase a virtual telephone number through our website by visiting www.cleartonecommunications.co.uk
Who Are Virtual Landlines For?
- Businesses – A company located in one location can have a phone number in totally different locations without paying thousands for a fixed-line. Virtual landlines are very popular among call centres that appear to be located in one location. However, they are in fact in one or more other locations, even in different time zones, delivering efficient 24/7 cover.
- Individuals – Migrants and travellers who appreciate that their friends and family back home can contact them using a local call without the worry about the extra cost.
- Specific businesses – Promote a business phone number and calls ring on your mobile phone. You will be warned you have a business call coming through and all calls are recorded.
- Marketing – Some companies use virtual landlines for various marketing campaigns or different media channels; this allows them to track which campaign or medium brings what kind of traffic.
- Virtual services – Various providers of virtual business services (virtual address, virtual receptionist, virtual office) will use a virtual landline to tie in their other virtual services together. This allows their customers to have a phone, address, and voice presence almost anywhere in the world.
Why Do You Need a Virtual Landline?
A virtual landline for small businesses is a highly effective tool that can transform the day-to-day running of your company. It is a cloud-based telephone system that takes advantage of the latest technology. This allows companies like us to provide an affordable option compared to a traditional office-based phone system. Owning a Virtual Number takes away the hassle of always needing to be in an office, manning a physical landline and investing in expensive hardware.
They are telephone numbers not directly associated with a telephone line. Virtual numbers can be assigned to any device, whether it be a hardware desk IP phone, a mobile phone app, or a desktop softphone app. Similarly, users can assign more than one telephone number to their phone line.
Your business can remove the hurdles that normally surround long distant phone calls. You can provide a local number to clients, with a local area code, to avoid any long-distance charges. Overall, virtual numbers help to create a simple and professional experience for clients.
10 Benefits of a Virtual Landline:
- Separate Your Business Calls From Personal Calls
- Consistent Branding For Your Business.
- More Incoming Call Features Than Your Mobile Phone Number
- No Extra Hardware Or Software Required
- Choose Between A Local Or Geographical Virtual Number
- Cost Saving
- Productivity On The Move
- Professional Appearance
- Number For Life
- Never Miss A Call Again

How Long Does it Take to Set Up Your Own virtual Landline?
We have a large stock of numbers that can be set live to ring on your private landline or mobile (or to ring on any other number worldwide) within a matter of minutes.
In order to cover all the bases, we will send alerts to your email to keep you updated on any voicemails, missed or call recordings (all calls made to a Cleartone number will be recorded).
In addition, these can also be accessed and viewed online via your Cleartone Online Dashboard. Any event on your Cleartone Number will trigger an email with more details to ensure you do not miss valuable information. We care about keeping your business connected. Therefore, you can expect results quickly!
Learn more about how virtual business phone numbers work here!
Why Choose Cleartone For a Virtual Landline?
Our system will take your calls no matter where you are, or what you’re doing.
Cleartone Communications are the leading expert in virtual landlines. Our service gives you full control online. Manage office hours, download and analyse call data, listen to recordings and voicemails, and much more.
Choosing the best-suited phone number is essential for any business. It helps every company looks more professional and established. Our local and national number can be answered on any normal landline or mobile – and come with many clever features to help best manage the service for you.
If you require, all calls to your Business number can be answered on your mobile number. Whatever number you choose – for example, you get an 0800, 161, 121, or 0208 number, you could dial out through that number, meaning that you also maintain total privacy.
Want to know more?
If you would like to find out more about purchasing a Virtual Landline for your company, please give us a call on 02071014045 or 08000016222, or contact us online today!
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