To truly reap the benefits of your online presence, you first have to understand what social media is all about – and luckily, the clue is in the name!
Cleartone Communications are the leading experts in Business Numbers. We’re passionate about keeping you and your business connected with the conversations that matter to you most. That’s why we’re going to guide you through our top tips and tricks on how to use social media effectively for your business!
Old Macdonald Once Said….E.I.E.I.O
- Education – Make sure you educate people and give them value for the content they’re reading.
- Information – Whether it’s local news, national news, or simply great information … People love to be the first to know the news. Give them something to talk about regarding your business, or even a little behind-the-scenes of the day-to-day running of your company!
- Entertainment – Entertain your audience and take people away from their everyday problems. Make them smile!
- Inspiration – People love inspirational quotes and stories, particularly during such uncertain times.
- Offer – Let loyal and potential new customers know what’s going on in your world without bombarding them with pricing.
If you can combine as many of the above as you can, you may have struck gold!
Facebook Page
On average, only 1-2% of page followers will see a post once it has been uploaded into the newsfeed. The average engagement of a post is only 0.09%.
Clearly, a Facebook Page is not the best communicative tool for you to reach your clients.
So what is a Facebook page really for?
- For advertising
- For credibility
- As the top of your funnel
What can you do to keep followers and viewers engaged?
Be Niche! Provide Customers With A Service That None of Your Competitors Have.
Clickable Headers – Make sure your header has a Call To Action that speaks directly to your followers. Describe what’s in it for them, i.e. a Facebook Group they can join and the discount codes they’ll be able to access as a result. Once they have joined the group, get a discussion going. Social media is designed for us to be social!
Hashtags are perfect if you know your audience. They can make posts searchable and easily accessible, and even open up doors for niche subjects. Most of all, they can help you branch out and explore new, inspiring ideas for your business. You can link all of your content via a hashtag on Twitter or Facebook! Make sure to capitalise hashtags and not make them too long to the point where they become unreadable.
7 Steps to a Perfect Linkedin Profile
- Picture and banner – Include a Headshot and an engaging header, use something that encapsulates you, your business, achievements, and interests. Don’t waste this opportunity as it is the first thing people will see when viewing your profile.
- Description and summary – Don’t use overused words like “driven” or “passionate”. Follow the “show not tell” rule – show you have these traits when you’re describing the work that you do. When including things about yourself, make sure you come across as a person. Be authentic!
- Working with the algorithm – Do your research as to what is getting attention on Linkedin. Watch over what kind of content is getting the most likes and shares, and try to emulate it as best as you can to your own topics and branding.
- Publisher – You have the option to write an article when you create a post. This provides you with the unique opportunity to take full advantage of the Linkedin algorithm – and SEO. Upload your post and include a link to your blog and your website to make sure you cover all the bases.
- Endorsements and testimonials – Many people forget how powerful word of mouth can be. Include some of your business’ success stories along with case-studies as testimonials from clients and customers throughout your journey together. The best time to ask for a testimonial is after a customer has thanked you or paid your business a compliment! Where’s the harm in asking?
- Get it out there – Include your Linkedin Profile on your email signature and link it within all of your social media platforms. It is your professional business card for online and should be widely shared!